Thursday, July 23, 2009

Prosecutor: Juvenile sexual assault is 'heartrending'

A group of young teens gang rape an 8 year-old child and the parents and family of this young girl blame her. I know what I’d like to do to those useless young thugs, and they would have to arrest me for the ass beating they’d get. Hopefully, the punks also do real prison time.

But, the parents of that child need a power punch to the throat, and that child needs to be put into a better home. Most of the people living in this community in Phoenix are from Liberia, as are her parents. I am so damn tired of hearing people say “that’s just their culture and we should try to understand and respect their beliefs”......BULLSHIT! I do not respect and will never respect a culture that treats other human beings like property or pieces of trash easily discarded. So many of these backwards ass douchebag cultures and religions treat women and children horribly, and it is unacceptable. This is the 21st century and these ignorant ass beliefs must change. And, in this country, we should never allow any religion or culture to treat others in such a brutal way and allow someone to brush it off because "that’s just what they believe". Fuck their culture and fuck their beliefs.

This is what the 23 year-old sister of that 8 year-old little girl said;

The sister, who was not identified by name by the station, expressed mixed feelings about her sister's attack. "I came to her and said it's not good for you to be following guys because you are still little," the sister told KTVK. She also said that she wanted the suspects to be released from jail because "we are the same people."

"When she comes back I'm going to tell her don't ever do that again because all of us, we are the same family, we are from the same place. Now she is just bringing confusion among us. Now the other people, they don't want to see her," the sister told KTVK.

What a terrible and disgusting thing to say. Her little sister was just raped by four punks, and she is worried about what the other backwards ass ignorant people in her community are going to say. Pathetic.


The outrage over the allegations has intensified when police said the girl's parents criticized her after the attack and blamed her for bringing shame on the family.

"The father told the case worker and an officer in her presence that he didn't want her back. He said 'Take her, I don't want her,'" Hill said.

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