Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Eliminating Prescription Acetaminophen Combos

Black Box, Mixed Message? FDA Panel Delivers Acetaminophen Recommendations - ABC News

Why do those ignorant dingleberries who refuse to follow dosage instructions and warnings always end up affecting those of us who know how to read and follow instructions?


  1. I agree. It's too much to ask that patients take an interest in their own care and read labels. Of course Vicodin and Percoset have been on the market for years and they are generics availabe.

    According to the article, there's no hydrocodine-only or oxycodine-only option currently in production. I wonder if this means a "new" drug will be on the market for which there won't be a generic available.

  2. Many people just readily accept what is fed to them. Whether the information comes from the government or their doctor. They're so lazy, they would rather stay ignorant than discover the truth for thmselves.
