Sunday, June 14, 2009

Let's get real about illegal immigration

Pay attention.

The very fact that an illegal immigrant is standing on American soil is a crime. Calling them "undocumented workers" is just so incredibly stupid. They are immigrants that broke our immigration laws, that's *illegal*, that's a
crime- therefore, they are *illegal* immigrants.

If an illegal immigrant is working in this country, there are two possibilities. He or she is working "under the table" being paid in cash and in return not paying several different taxes. Or, they are using a *stolen* Social Security number, stealing someone else's identity and eventually is going to cause that person all sorts of problems. Illegal immigrants are using resources that this country can no longer afford to squander... we cannot take care of our own as it is, and the cuts to budgets continue. If even one American is denied help or government resources due to an illegal immigrant, that is one too many. American charities are even being affected by trying to help everyone- if those illegal immigrants were not here, there would be more resources to help US citizens. Every book that a child of an illegal immigrant uses in our public schools, is a book that should be in the hands of a child that is a US citizen or legal immigrant. Those children of illegal immigrants are also adding to the overflowing classrooms that strain our teachers' ability to teach effectively. Every child of an illegal immigrant that receives free or reduced lunch in school is also an additional burden to the tax payers. Our schools are having to make cuts left and right, surely the ever increasing amount of students that are here illegally or children of illegal immigrants are stretching thin budgets even thinner. We cannot afford this spending insanity anymore.... we can't. Also, with such lax border security and subsequent lax enforcement of our immigration laws, the illegal immigrant flood into this country has allowed Hispanic gangs to flourish, and these gangs are exceptionally brutal. Fighting these gangs have consumed ever more of local law enforcement time and resources. Filling up over crowded jails and prisons, costing us even more money.

Every industry infiltrated and proliferated by illegal immigrants, is an industry where wages are being held down. Held down by people who should not be here.

Not only are illegal immigrants working here illegally, a large portion of the money they make is sent back to their country, back to the ones they left behind. We are talking billions of dollars every single year. Money that is not being spent in this country, money that could help local businesses and add sales tax revenue, money that is not taxed or money that is not being given to our charities. Illegal immigration is a net drain on this economy, I don't care what subterfuge comes from those who try to divert our attention away from that fact.... they are the ones that condone the breaking of our laws.

Read this article from 2003;

In that article, Mexican President Vicente Fox, boasts about all the money being sent back to Mexico from the US- Fox says the remittances "are our biggest source of foreign income, bigger than oil, tourism or foreign investment,".

So, the President of Mexico is simply thrilled that over 20 million Mexicans, most are illegals, are basically stealing money and sending it to his country. He also says that the Mexicans here produce more than all the Mexicans in Mexico... read the article. That's great, if you're Mexico. Unfortunately, for our country much of the money Mexicans make here, doesn't stay here, doesn't get spent here. They use our resources, many don't pay taxes and to add insult to injury- they send their illegally made money out of our country. Until last year, the amount of money leaving this country just kept increasing... the more illegal immigrants there are, the more money that gets sent back to Mexico. No wonder Mexico, literally, demands we open our borders, demands we grant amnesty. Of course, Mexico would never grant amnesty to Guatemalans or open their border with Guatemala... most Mexicans absolutely hate Guatemalans. Their border crackdown with Guatemala is brutal and their punishments are far worse than anything we do on our borders. They are hypocrites of the highest order, and they dare lecture us. It's insane for our country, for our citizens to tolerate this anymore. Really.

Let's also get real about something else- most Hispanics are quite productive in producing babies. A lot of it has to do with the fact that most Hispanics are Catholic, and the outdated and antiquated relics of the Catholic church tell their believers not to use condoms or birth control, and many listen. They have three, four, five or more babies. This puts an enormous strain on our schools, on social services and charities.
Don't get mad just because I tell the truth.
Perhaps, some of you do need to get mad, see what is happening and speak up about it. It's past time for something to be done. Just how much longer we have to put with inaction, is up to us. Speak up and vote accordingly.

Let's not forget about the businesses that are hiring the illegal immigrants. If it wasn't for them, the flood of illegal immigrants would be a trickle. These businesses breaking the law must be punished.

Our city is having to cut back on many services, charities are strecthed to the breaking point. Uncontrolled illegal immigration is not helping this Nation... it just isn't. Don't believe the lies and the diversionary tactics that some groups are using. It's just all subterfuge.

This Nation allows over 800,000 legal immigrants every single year, that is more than any other country in the world. We do our part, we cannot continue to absorb so many legal and *illegal* immigrants. Our resources are stretched thin and it's our fellow *citizens* that are hurting. We just simply can't afford to take so many uneducated and unskilled illegal immigrants... we can't.

The United States Consitution gives the federal government very specific powers. The President is to execute the laws of this Nation and as Commander in Chief, he is required to make sure this Nation is defended. Congress makes law and is charged with providing for the common defense. The defense of this Nation includes the borders of this country. The borders are being overrun, and we are literally being invaded. The laws of this Republic demand action, the Consitution demands they defend and protect our borders. It is a blatant dereliction of duty to continue ignoring the execution, prosecution of our laws and to not provide America with adequate defense of our borders. This ongoing willful negligence is criminal.

The articles below are just the tip of the iceberg. It's past time to do the right thing, and the right thing is to enforce the laws of this country. Enforce our laws and protect our borders. Enough is enough.

The Immigrant Gang Plague



Her ATM card, illegal immigrant's face

The secret list of ID theft victims

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